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Application of PPF and Films

with Demineralized Water.

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The other Zero Ka models also work, but they are larger and cost more. The 0K-Mini and 0K-Plus models will definitely suit you.

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small excerpt taken from the original program. If you want to see the program in full, access the link below:

Zero Ka has already appeared on Globo, on the Auto Esporte program, showing its innovations and technologies!

Zero Ka in action!

Videos of professionals who use Zero Ka, and what they say about it:

0K-Mini and 0K-Plus

Produce your own demineralized water

Have your plant producing demineralized water.

Zero Ka is a plant that produces demineralized water. Unlike a water filter that we have at home and that we don't know if it's working, at Zero Ka you can monitor the water purification level in real time through the analytical electrode and the water purification level through the digital analyzer.

Don't buy any more gallons of demineralized water.

With Zero Ka you go from being a buyer to a seller of demineralized water. You no longer need to save water and control too much for fear that it will run out. Furthermore, you eliminate the dependence on always buying bottles and gallons of demineralized water.

Guarantee the quality of your work and save money.

Whether applying film or especially PPF, you cannot run the risk of leaving water stains underneath, affecting the quality of a service with high added value. With Zero Ka you eliminate this problem at a very low cost. A liter of demineralized water on the market costs an average of 5 to 7 reais. At Zero Ka this can cost you pennies.

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  • Demineralized water is water that has undergone a procedure to remove minerals and other inorganic components, making it pure in terms of chemical composition. This type of water is used to apply PPF (Paint Protection Film) on cars due to its purity, which helps prevent stains, water marks and corrosion on the surface where the PPF will be applied. Furthermore, demineralized water contributes to better adhesion of the PPF to the surface, guaranteeing a more effective and longer-lasting application. As it is free from impurities, demineralized water is preferred for surface preparation before applying PPF, as it helps to ensure a high quality finish and effective protection of the car's paintwork.

  • The main difference between demineralized water and ordinary water for applying PPF (Paint Protection Film) to cars is its chemical composition. Demineralized water goes through a procedure to remove minerals and impurities, resulting in a purer liquid free of contaminants that could affect the quality of PPF application. On the other hand, ordinary water may contain minerals and impurities which, when dry, may leave stains or marks on the surface where the PPF will be applied. These impurities can also affect the adhesion of the PPF, compromising its effectiveness as protection for the car's paintwork. In summary, demineralized water is preferred for applying PPF due to its purity, which helps ensure a high-quality finish and better adhesion of the protective film to the car's surface.

  • Demineralized water is preferred in preparation for PPF (Paint Protection Film) application due to its purity. As it goes through a procedure to remove minerals and impurities, it offers a cleaner, contaminant-free surface for the application of PPF. This helps to ensure better and longer-lasting adhesion of the protective film, as well as minimizing the risk of stains or marks on the car's painted surface. In short, demineralized water contributes to a high quality finish and a more effective application of PPF, thus providing better protection for the vehicle's paintwork.

  • A água desmineralizada ajuda a obter melhores resultados na aplicação de PPF (Filme de Proteção de Pintura) de várias maneiras: Superİcie mais limpa: Por ser livre de minerais e impurezas, a água desmineralizada deixa a superİcie de aplicação mais limpa, o que é crucial para uma adesão adequada da PPF. Evita manchas e marcas: Ao evitar a presença de minerais que podem deixar resíduos, a água desmineralizada reduz o risco de manchas e marcas na superİcie após a aplicação da PPF. Melhora da adesão: A remoção de minerais da água contribui para uma melhor adesão da PPF à superİcie do carro, garanƟndo que a película protetora fique no lugar e cumpra sua função.

  • Using Zero Ka Demineralized Water to apply PPF and films offers significant benefits, as mineral salts are removed from the water, such as: Prevents stains and water marks: Zero Ka Demineralized Water does not contain minerals that can leave stains or marks on the surface of the vehicle after drying. This is especially important when applying PPF and films, as any imperfections on the surface can affect the adhesion and final appearance of the protective film. Reduces the risk of corrosion: Zero Ka Demineralized Water does not contain ions that can contribute to corrosion on the vehicle's surface. This is crucial to ensure that the vehicle's paintwork is adequately protected by the PPF and that the surface is not damaged over time. Improves application quality: When using Zero Ka Demineralized Water, you eliminate the possibility of contaminants present in normal water, such as minerals and impurities, which can affect the adhesion and final appearance of the PPF. This results in a more uniform and better quality application. Makes cleaning easier: As Zero Ka Demineralized Water does not leave mineral residues on the vehicle's surface, cleaning after applying PPF is easier and less likely to leave stains or marks.

  • The ideal working temperature is 0 to 50oC. Water above this temperature range will degrade the polymer base responsible for ion exchange in the filter material. As a result, the active sites responsible for ion exchange are lost. In other words, water above the ideal working range promotes a decrease in the water's demineralization capacity, even leading to a total inactivation of the demineralization property. Furthermore, above the ideal working range, the temperature can also compromise other parts of the system.

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