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Washing with demineralized water

no water marks.

Reduction in working time!

Best finish!

More revenue!

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Best finish!

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10 installments of R$649.00

or R$5,990.00 in cash.

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  • That's right. After rinsing the glass with Zero Ka demineralized water, you do not need to dry it or use the wheel to remove the water because the famous water stains will not remain. The ultrapure demineralized water produced by Zero Ka is free of mineral salts, which are responsible for leaving water marks and making you waste time drying. You can see the water purification level in real time using the digital TDS analyzer attached to the Zero Ka. Without needing to dry and using telescopic extenders, you reduce your working time, improve your finish and increase your revenue.

  • Yes. Zero Ka is a plant that produces demineralized water and when used in any type of washing will not leave any water stains; whether in solar panels, ACM, glass, metals, among others. Zero Ka removes the mineral salts from the water responsible for leaving the famous water marks. Using the ultrapure demineralized water produced by Zero Ka, you no longer waste time having to dry. This reduces your working time, gains more agility and can increase your revenue with new services, in addition to improving the quality of your cleaning work. Furthermore, you can see the water purification level online using the digital TDS analyzer coupled to the Zero Ka.

  • The pressurizing pump that is attached to the Zero Ka is automatic bivolt, has pressure regulation and allows you to launch water from 12 to 15 meters in height according to tests carried out with Tucker brand telescopic extenders.

  • Unlike a water filter that we have at home and that we don't know if it's working, Zero Ka is an intelligent demineralized water production plant that has a digital TDS analyzer coupled to the system and that allows you to see the purification level of the water. water in real time. You can see the TDS of the water you are using and that it is coming out with demineralized water at 0ppm.

  • Yes. We have several videos sent and published by customers using Zero Ka for cleaning glass, cleaning solar panels, ACM, metal plates, among other applications. You can see several videos on our Instagram profile.

  • The ideal working temperature is 0 to 50oC. Water above this temperature range will degrade the polymer base responsible for ion exchange in the filter material. As a result, the active sites responsible for ion exchange are lost. In other words, water above the ideal working range promotes a decrease in the water's demineralization capacity, even leading to a total inactivation of the demineralization property. Furthermore, above the ideal working range, the temperature can also compromise other parts of the system.

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or R$5,990.00 in cash.


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Compact and Portable Equipment

Attached pressurizing pump.

(12m - 15m high)

10 installments of R$649.00

From a technical point of view, Zero Ka is a plant that produces ultrapure demineralized water. The production of demineralized water occurs automatically. Basically, you connect your water on one side, and the water comes out demineralized on the other. This system has a pressurizing pump (automatic bivolt and pressure regulation) that can launch water from 12 to 15 meters in height.

With a telescopic extender, you can wash windows high off the ground without having to set up scaffolding, or rent lift trucks, saving money.

With Zero Ka demineralized water, you don't need to dry the glass/solar panel/ACM or squeegee it, because it doesn't leave water marks. Analyzing with the eyes of an entrepreneur with vision, Zero Ka is not just a demineralized water plant, but a tool that reduces working time, reduces costs, increases revenue and improves the quality of finishing.

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